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Top 5 Plants That Are Hard To Kill

  • By Kratika
  • •  Dec 05, 2024

As plant lovers, our search for plant varieties never ends. We all want our homes to flourish with plants at all times so that when someone enters, they feel as positive as we do. Where aesthetics are something that we look for, survival is also our prime concern while buying plants. Keeping that in mind, we have made a list of favorite plants for a lazy gardener that require minimum conditions and are hard to kill. 

What are hard-to-kill plants?

Hard-to-kill plants are those that can survive low maintenance and are first to add to the list if you’re just starting out as a gardener. They can strive to grow even with a few things like not throwing in proper fertilizer, forgetting to water them, or placing them in low light. Hard-to-kill plants have prepped themselves to exist even in unfavorable conditions. This means your house will always be filled with green and positive energy within it. 

In this blog, we will share the best plants to buy if you’re a beginner on a gardening journey. Even though these plants are hard to kill, we will share basic care tips that will help them last longer. 

1. Snake Plant:

Snake Plant, also known as Dracaena trifasciata, is a succulent that can be a great addition to the main dining area. It is known by various names, including Saint George's sword, mother-in-law's tongue, and many more. Snake plants are easily recognized by their stiff sword-shaped leaves that grow upright and upwards from the basal rosette. 

Benefits of keeping a Snake Plant at home/office

  • Snake plants are known to be natural air purifiers and create a healthier indoor environment. 
  • Snake Plants are the only plants that can survive with or without light. Surprisingly, they also repel snakes.
  • Snake plants can survive various kinds of weather. Yes, they do well in all seasons. You can place them indoors and outdoors; they will happily thrive independently.
  • Snake plants are aesthetically pleasing and become a highlight of the room in which they are placed. 

2. Devil’s Backbone

Devil’s backbone, also known as Jacob’s ladder, is a popular indoor plant belonging to the Pedilanthus tithymaloides family. These plants are recognised for their unique zig-zag shape. The leaves are neatly arranged, each on the opposite side, giving them a tall ladder-like appearance. 

Benefits of keeping a Devil’s Backbone at home/office

  • This plant has good ornamental value; its attractive green and red coloured leaves can make it the prime highlight of the space where it’s kept. 
  • Devil’s backbone can also fit in a limited space, making it a go-to plant for many Indian households.  
  • Devil’s backbone is also a low-maintenance plant. It can survive various tough conditions and requires minimum effort to stay put. 

3. Spider Plant 

Spider Plant, also known as Chlorophytum comosum, resembles a spider in shape. It is one of the most popular houseplants in India, and it can be seen on the lawns or balconies of every other house. The plant leaves fall like a waterfall and create a beautiful visual.

Benefits of keeping a Spider Plant at home/office

  • It is believed to offer feng shui benefits like bringing good fortune and prosperity in homes. 
  • Snake plants are easy to care for. They are best known for their minimum requirements, which make them suitable as beginner-friendly plants.
  • Spider Plants are also considered natural air purifiers. They will help increase your home's oxygen levels.  

4. Money Plant

It is a popular climber plant suitable for indoors and outdoors. Money plant is one of the popular choices for gardening beginners in India. It is also known as Golden Pothos and makes your home wholesome. 

Benefits of having a Money Plant at home/office

  • Money Plants are low-maintenance plants. 
  • As per feng shui, a money plant is also considered a lucky plant that brings wealth and prosperity to the household. 
  • It is believed that plants are good for mental health. Especially amongst older adults, viewing plants can help relieve stress and anxiety. 

5. Song of India

Song of India, also known as Dracaena reflexa, is a tropical plant native to the Madagascar region that can be grown indoors or outdoors. It looks beautiful on balconies. 

Benefits of having a Song of India at home/office

  • Song of India is a plant that will brighten your social media feed and fulfill the dream of aesthetic homes.
  • As a hard-to-kill plant, Song of India Plants can be an ideal choice for beginners due to their ease of growth. 
  • This plant was also used in NASA’s clean air study and passed the test to be one of the plants that purify air. 


The blog aims to familiarise you with plants that can survive almost any condition you put them in. If you’re looking forward to restocking your home garden, you can consider buying them to keep your surroundings green all year. From Snake Plant to Song of India, this list of hard-to-kill plants contains the very difficult to kill, making them a must-buy for every plant enthusiast. With their unique qualities, they have prepped themselves to live even when the conditions are unfavourable. We hope your plant-loving spirit feels fulfilled until we tell you another best thing to buy. 

Wishing you happy planting hours!

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