Are Organic Strawberries Better Than Regular?
Do you love strawberries? I sure do! Whether it’s the taste or how nutritious they are, strawberries are a favourite for many of us. Growing your own can seem a bit tricky, but I am here to tell you that it is not that hard and the rewards that you get are so much sweeter.
Let’s cover the basics first, are organic strawberries truly better?
When you go to the market, often you will see that organic strawberries are priced at rates much higher than conventionally grown strawberries. The main reason for this is that organically grown strawberries are grown without pesticides, due to which they have no pesticide residue, retain much more nutrients, taste more flavourful and also end up having a longer shelf life.
While this sounds wonderful, paying exorbitant prices may not be your first choice (and I agree!). So, that is where Urvann’s range of kitchen garden plants comes into the picture. You can grow your own organic strawberries and reap the numerous benefits without emptying your pockets with every visit to the market.
Where to start your organic food journey?
Let’s start by choosing the right assortment of kitchen fruits and vegetables. Choose the fruits and vegetables that are important for your health, not very hard to grow and care for, and are not easily available in the market, at least in organic level quality.
Strawberry falls under all these categories, hence is a great option to start with. And its sweet fruit is a great motivator to expand your kitchen garden too! Here's how to grow strawberries in a glance:
On that note, the first question: Why is strawberry important
I love watching strawberries grow in the garden. They start as cute flowers and turn into juicy red fruits. Also, there's something so wonderful about growing fruits at home!
Plus, there are many benefits of strawberries that have convinced me to consume them regularly
Full of Nutrients:
Strawberries are packed with essential nutrients such as Vitamin C, and Manganese and are especially rich in antioxidants. They contribute to overall health and are especially good for your heart too!
Aids Healthy Eating:
Strawberries are low in calories and high in fibre, making them a satisfying and nutritious snack for those looking to eat healthier.
Great for Skin:
Its high Vitamin C content promotes healthy skin. It has been found by many studies that strawberry fruit helps reduce the signs of ageing. Isn’t this so much better than the tons of cosmetics you are running after?
Now coming to the second point: Can strawberries be grown at home?
Yes! It is very easy to grow strawberries at home even if you have a very small space, don’t worry. This is a hassle-free plant and will ask very little of you to thrive.
I have grown strawberries for the last 3 years at home & here are a few tips that have always helped me get a lot of fresh strawberries. Here's how to grow strawberries in a video:
What Soil To Choose
Strawberries like rich, well-drained soil. I mix compost or old manure into my garden to make the soil just right. If you’re tight on space, strawberries also grow well in pots around 6–8 inches. Just be sure those pots let water out so the roots don't get too wet. You can use the Soil mix, Garden Soil (50%) + Cocopeat (30%) + Vermicompost (20%).
Sun & Water Needs
Strawberries love the sun. They do best with 6 to 10 hours of direct light every day. They also need regular water to keep the soil moist but not soggy.
Feed the Plants
A bit of balanced fertilizer helps strawberries grow. I feed mine when I plant them & a few times after that. But too much can make the plants all leaves and no fruit. Strawberry trees need fertilizer once a month. You can add Vermicompost every 15 days during the growing season and once a month in general. Also, it is good to fertilize your strawberry tree using a liquid fertilizer containing nitrogen and phosphorus.
Keep Pests Away
The Strawberry tree is a hardy plant but is sometimes attacked by aphids or fruit flies. Keep spraying the plant with neem spray every week, or you can also add neem khali to the plants. We don’t like bugs or diseases ruining our plants. I rotate where I plant strawberries & give them room to breathe. Mulch also helps keep the pests away.
Picking Time
There's nothing like picking strawberries on a cool morning. They taste the sweetest then. It's my favourite part of growing them!
Enjoy the Fruit
About 4 to 6 weeks after the flowers bloom, you’ll see ripe strawberries ready to pick. They taste best when they’re fully red & picked in the morning.
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