5 Plants That Keep Snakes Away From Your Home
We love a bushy and healthy-looking garden that attracts all the positive energy and a layer of moisture in our space. But what scares us is that our garden is becoming a residence point for dangerous creepy crawlies like snakes. Well, we don’t have to worry any longer as in the plant world, such problems also have plant friendly solutions. In this blog, let us take you through this small list of Snake Repellent plants that tend to ward off these creatures from becoming daily or occasional guests in your garden. Explore!
1. Marigolds
These descendants from the family of Asteraceae can become a rewarding addition to your garden in terms of deterring snakes. You can spot Marigold plants in their vibrant colours like golden, orange, yellow etc plucked for various pooja ceremonies. Their strong scent which makes them special for us becomes a natural barrier for Snakes. We recommend planting them on your garden boundaries to keep all greens and your home safe.
2. Lemongrass
These tall aromatic grass from your kitchen garden which you love to use in cooking or DIYs, can also help your garden stay safe. Lemongrass has been in use for a long time as an anti-snake plant. It also comes in the category of a low maintenance plant which contributes to the green cover in your home.
3. Snake Plant
In botanical terms, we also know the snake plant as Sansevieria trifasciata. These greens with strong and sharp spikes can act as a threat to Snakes. They also have an unpleasant taste that drives them away. Where they are proven as the protectors of your space, they even look good in home gardens because of the great foliage.
4. Rosemary
If you bought the Rosemary plant only for its culinary properties, then the advantage of the aroma of this herb might surprise you. On one hand, where it’s adding to the beauty of the space, making dishes look authentic, rosemary’s strong scent can drive these creepy crawlies even from a distance.
5. Garlic
Here’s another ingredient from your kitchen garden whose strong and pungent odour is not unknown to us. Once you bring this into your garden it acts as a barrier for all the reptiles to take your garden as a threat. So, where you are just growing your kitchen garden and planning to add one more healthy veggie to your dishes or broths, its pungent smell is playing a part in deterring the snakes.
Properties of the Plants that Keep Snakes Away
Strong Smell
Like the above plants, many such varieties emit strong aromas that keep snakes away. The main reason why strong scents affect them is that snakes rely heavily on their sense of smell, that way many strong-smelling plants can be a red alert for these predators.
2. Bitter Taste or Chemical
There are many plants in the world of greens that are known to have compounds directly disrupting their sensory perception. While watching wildlife documentaries you would’ve noticed them using their tongues to taste the environment. Such bitter-tasting plants can irritate them.
3. Sharp or Spiky Textures
Their smooth and gliding bodies make it tough for them to move around freely around the prickly textures. The best way is to add a spiky plant to your garden, which can create a barrier. Those attractive sharp spines can become the protectors shielding snakes from slithering through an area.
4. Natural Pest Control
Many plants come with properties like repelling other rodents and insects, constituting the main diet of crawlers. When their food source is reduced they have equal to less reason to visit your nurturing garden.
Tips for Keeping Garden Safe from Snakes
We got to know that nature has come up with its own way to come up with the plants that prevent snakes, but it’s time we play our part too. While navigating a life filled with greenery around, you have to take measures to make the garden fit for becoming a healthy space.
Tip 1: Keep the Garden Clean
The first and foremost step while growing the garden cover under green is to keep it clean. Often, it gets hard with all the dirt and mulch, so you have to ensure that all the plants and gardening essentials are kept organised and in their designated space.
Tip 2: Seal the Entry Points
If you see any deep holes around your garden, it’s better to seal them right away. They could later prove to be the entry points of them. You can also cover the vents and drains with hardware to block the passage of these visitors.
Tip 3: Get rid of their food sources
Snakes usually come in search of food, which constitutes rodents, frogs, etc. Keep all the food stores on the side to put a barrier to these pests and rodents.
Tip 4: Get Professional Help
After all the measures, we also recommend you to connect with a professional in such cases. It can be your go-to step whenever there appears to be a frequent activity.
Have you got your perfect plant yet? If not, then maybe it’s time that you can explore. From low maintenance to each one mentioned above, you can find them at affordable prices and at your doorstep the next day. Further, we hope that with this blog, you were able to find the right piece of information needed to know about the plants that keep snakes away. At Urvann, we are looking forward to becoming your guide to green homes. Also, if you have any other queries regarding the growth of the plant or a way to mould your interesting garden perspective into an idea, drop us a comment!
Wishing you happy growing seasons ahead!
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
- Why do Snakes stay away from some plants?
Snakes might be a common problem in the garden but some house properties of house plants can keep them away. These crawlers avoid plants with strong scents, spiky textures or the ones with bitter or toxic tastes.
2. Which Plant is known to attract Snakes?
Some of the plants can attract snakes due to temperature and the possibility of rodents around them. They can be sandalwood, Cedar tree, cypress etc.
3. What are the precautions to keep your garden safe?
You can protect the garden in your own way by arranging well-guarded fences around them, or spraying neem oil on the plants (to keep common pests away). Fences help protect the vegetable, and fruit plants that often attract animals.
4. Name some of the most important things in our garden.
Some of the things to take care of in the garden that are often mentioned in guides are placement of the plant, soil type, sunlight, watering and prevention of pests. These things must be taken care of to ensure a green and thriving garden.
5. What are some common safety tips when working in a garden?
Where gardening can prove to be a happy time activity, make sure that you are following the common safety tips. These can include wearing gloves while working around mulch or thorny plants. In case you have a big garden, then keep chemicals away from common reach.
6. What are some possible places where snakes may hide in the garden?
Gardening is one of the best hobbies in the world. But, it is best to keep yourself safe while working in your garden. Where it’s not always possible you find a snake in the garden, you can stay safe while working near tall grasses, shrubs, leaf piles, rocks, compost etc.
7. Tell me some of the hardest parts of gardening
We understand that gardening is a journey followed by love and care. Some hardest parts for a gardener can be when forgetting to water a plant, having an infected plant etc.
8. What actions should I take when I see a snake in the garden?
Snakes go away silently when not bothered. We would also ask you to lock your windows or doors whenever you spot a snake. You can also get help from experts to catch it safely from the garden area.
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