If you go through some books of ancient times, you will find mentions of various sages and saints who used combinations of herbs and medicinal plants to cure diseases and ailments. Well, that is our nature in all its mysteries and boons. But, being a descendant of such a golden age, we can also bring it back and make pastes, herbal teas, and medicines. It is simple, easy, and right there in our gardens. However, please consult your doctor before self-medicating in any form.
Today, let us sort out a list of medicinal plants that you can easily buy from Urvann India and use to fulfil everyday needs. Here, you will not only find mentions of Tulsi and Mint but you will also dive into the medicinal properties of Indian herbs like Ashwagandha, which can contribute to a transformative garden.
Before we dive into the list of top 10 medicinal plants, let’s get a few steps back to the basics.
What are Medicinal Plants?
Medicinal Plants are those plants whose parts like roots, stems, leaves, etc can be used for therapeutic and treatment purposes. As per research, they are the elements of nature that have properties to protect against insects and parasites. This is one of the reasons why plant-based products are being used increasingly nowadays.
(Important Note: Many plants out of this list are commonly used in Indian kitchens. However, if you are still unaware of its impact on your health. We advise you to take a step up and consult your physician before consuming anything with the intent of treatment.)
1. Mint Plant
We are back to the summer season, and it is time to enjoy the incredible cooling power of mint. It is a small herb for your kitchen garden with numerous benefits. In the book of botany, Mint is also called Mentha, and it is a genus of the popular mint family called Lamiaceae.
It is a perennial herb, which can be easily distinguished by its strong aromatic leaves. In terms of appearance, this plant can bear flowers produced in long bracts and leaves of opposite pairs and serrated margins.
Benefits of Mint Plant
- Leaves of this plant are also known to reduce the problems of bad breath.
- It is a perfect solution for indigestion and is often used in beverages buttermilk, lime soda and more.
- Mint also contains menthol, a perfect cure for symptoms of cold.
- The strong aromatic mint is also known to reduce stress and anxiety.
2. Aloe vera Plant
Aloe vera is one of the favourite plants in all home gardens throughout the world. This plant is native to tropical and semi-tropical lands, making it strong enough to survive in tough conditions.
If we dive into the botanical terms, Aloe vera is a kind of succulent of the genus called Aloe. It can be very easily recognised by its thick and fleshy leaves with small teeth-like spikes on them. The main element is the gel present in these green leaves that are formed with water and lots of polysaccharides. The gel is known by the name of accemannan. This gel has many beneficial properties and is used extensively in external applications as well as consumption.
Benefits of Aloe Vera Plant
- The juice extracted from this plant is known to cure the problems with digestion.
- The gel present in aloe vera is used in various Skin care, hair care remedies, and DIYs.
- For diabetic patients, the Aloe vera plant helps reduce blood sugar levels.
3. Tulsi Plant
From holding a spiritual place in many Indian gardens to being a power-pack ingredient in a single cup of tea, Tulsi can become a queen herb in your garden! It is another plant from the famous family of Lamiaceae. It has various types and is generally identified by broad, bright green leaves.
Benefits of Tulsi Plant
- The tea prepared from the leaves of tulsi helps in curing cough and cold.
- The adaptogenic properties present in the tulsi leaves help reduce stress and anxiety.
- Tulsi also helps to prevent skin infections caused by the bites of insects.
4. Ashwagandha
You might have read its name in various immunity booster tablets. It is one of the oldest plants used for medicines, so how can we miss it on this list Ashwagandha also goes by the name of Indian ginseng, which is a genus of the nightshade family. It has dull-looking leaves comprising bell-shaped flowers containing the fruit.
Benefits of Ashwagandha Plant
- This plant helps reduce anxiety levels and mental stress.
- It is also known to reduce blood sugar levels in the body.
- Ashwagandha is often consumed to increase the muscular strength in the body.
5. Stevia
Let us bring this small, leafy herb, which is a known natural sweetener, to your homes. This plant is native to the lands of Brazil and has been in use for preparing foods and beverages for ages. It is also popular by the name of candy leaf, a genus of family Asteraceae.
Benefits of Stevia Plant
- Stevia adds sweetness to your food, without increasing your calorie intake. It can work as a healthy substitute for sugar.
- Stevia does not spike or make an impact on blood sugar levels. So, patients with diabetes can also find a cure for their sweet cravings.
6. Rosemary Plant
Rosemary, also known as dew of the sea, is an important shrub in the category of medicinal plants.
Plant experts know it by the name of Salvia Rosmarinus. It can be easily identified by needle-like leaves with blue or purple flowers. It is also one of the best low maintenance plants to have in your garden.
Benefits of Rosemary Plant
- Rosemary Oil is used for manufacturing various skincare and haircare products.
- Rosemary also has properties to protect the body cells against various chronic diseases.
- The aroma of rosemary helps in reducing stress and anxiety. Its properties are also helpful in aromatherapy.
7. Curry Patta
When building our medicinal garden, let's not forget the flavours that add aroma to our authentic recipes. This plant is also called Bergera koenigii, a genus of the family Rutaceae. You can buy the plant and note the aroma of its glossy, bright green leaves.
Benefits of Curry Patta
- Curry Patta leaves are rich in vitamins A, B and C. It helps add value to the recipes made with it.
- Their leaves contain nutrients that also help in strengthening the hair follicle.
8. Thyme
Here’s another herb introduced by the plant world to make your kitchen delicacies taste epic! These are the flowering plants from the mint family Lamiaceae. The use of it was introduced by the Greeks, where they used to put this herb in baths or use its scent to purify the room. Today, the properties of thyme have made their way to culinary and medicinal departments too.
Benefits of Thyme
- Thyme is very rich in Vitamin A, and Vitamin C and becomes a great source of nutrients this way.
- Thyme also helps in killing viruses, bacteria and mice.
- It also finds its mention in aromatherapy, where it can work as a mood booster.
9. Coriander Plant
Is it even possible to make dishes look appealing without a touch of coriander? When it grows as a plant, it is a very soft-looking plant whose leaves are called Cilantro. It is a plant that is a genus of the Apiaceae family and has a lot to give to us. Let’s discuss its benefits.
Benefits of Coriander Plant
- It helps the body during indigestion and solves the problems of gut health
- The calcium present in coriander helps in repairing the bones.
10. Bay Leaf Plant
As a kid of an Indian parent, it's common to have a container of spices and a separate one that keeps Tejpatta in it.
This small shrub plant can be grown in your garden as another addition to this list of herbs. Since ancient times, bay leaves have found their way to reach the culinary world and make things taste much more authentic.
Benefits of Bay Leaf
- This aromatic herb has a way of preventing gastric damage and treating an upset stomach
- Bay Leaf oil is also used to reduce respiratory problems. It helps in fighting cough and cold and promotes better breathing.
- Since ancient times, bay leaf water or bay leaf has been used to treat stress and anxiety. It helps the mind stay calm and relaxed.
So, you see, many of our daily problems have remedies available in the kitchen. Where some of the above-mentioned herbs not only add flavour to the food, they may have quite good medicinal properties to help your body progress.
So, if you know a plant parent whose day starts with spraying water in the garden, it’s time you share this happy read of the day. Even if you are a beginner, don’t worry, gardening is simple and easy in all its wonders, and we are here to make sure that you get the best out of it. You can drop a comment and let us know your favourite plant or something you want insight on, and we will be on the job wearing our green hats!
We are root-ing for your health!
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What are the medicinal plants in the garden that one can actually use?
Well, there are many plants that you can bring to the garden and help yourself with. Some of these plants are coriander, mint, bay leaves, gotu kola, and holy basil.
2. What are the easiest to grow medicinal plants at home?
I would say that some of the easiest-to-grow plants are mint and coriander. These plants from the kitchen garden can always be spotted in any plant enthusiast’s or beginner’s garden very easily. They are low-maintenance plants and have easy propagation methods as well.
3. Where to buy the best medicinal plants online in Delhi NCR?
If you are looking forward to starting your independent gardening journey, then Urvann India is the best place to buy plants. We started in 2021, and since then we have been making gardening possible for all the plant parents in Delhi NCR and Bangalore. You can explore the wide range of plants from Medicinal to Succulents for your garden.
4. What are some flowers with Medicinal Properties?
In the wide world of plants many flowers are known for their medicinal properties. Some of them are sunflowers, calendula, lavender, sage and hibiscus.
What are the benefits of Medicinal Plants at home?
Having these quality herbs in your garden means early access to them. You no longer have to spend on medical alternatives when you have cures available at home. Moreover, when you plant and care for them at home, you will feel a sense of accomplishment watching them grow.
How to grow Medicinal Plants at home?
Growing Medicinal Plants at your home is not a tough job. To start with it, research the herbs, and make a list of the ones you want to grow. The next and most important step is always a nourishing soil, so prepare a good potting mix. Once you place the plant in the pot, care for it by providing adequate sunlight and maintaining a watering schedule. What you will have in return will be a fresh magical herb, helping you in ways you will love.
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